Welcome to NKR Hotel & Mahal

Enjoy a beautiful Nagercoil staying experience at one of the best.NKR hotels and Mahal offer the best deals and complementary offerings. Book now and enjoy your stay at one of the best hotels in Nagercoil. All rooms are stocked with quality amenities and are supported by our excellent room service.

Your Safety is Our Priority

Clean and Hygenic

Sanitized Rooms

Temperature Checks

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Our Additives

Food Service

Delight your taste buds with a culinary delight at Four Seasons. Discover a good experience with NKR Mahal and Hotel.

Free Wifi

Enjoy seamless connectivity with the online. We improve our guest experience with the free high-speed internet connectivity.

Pick & Drop

We have cabs that are used to pick and drop the guests at Airports and Stations. We also maintain the social distancing

Enjoy Your Stay


The accommodation options at NKR Hotel in Nagercoil, include Executive and Club Rooms as well as Club Suite and NKR Suites. You simply cannot go wrong with any of our accommodation facilities. All rooms are stocked with quality amenities and are supported by our excellent room service. Our strategic location makes us an ideal choice for corporate guests offering ease of travel and transit along with our renowned luxury.

Marriage Venue

NKR Mahal offers several facilities and services to make your stay in Nagercoil, enjoyable and memorable. We provide warm indoor/outdoor seating, spacious tables and workplaces, WiFi, and plenty of free parking for our guests. Book your stay now at one of the best Wedding Venue in Nagercoil.

Our Happy Guest Says